Saturday, April 18, 2015

Racism is seen as a social phenomenon that happens to black people. But what happens when it is black on black?

When we talk about xenophobic attacks it includes the definition of the “deep rooted irrational hatred towards foreigners” xenophobia is the unreasoned fear of other strangers, the competition for jobs, commodities and housing and the causes of the violence is associated to various historical , social and economic factors in south Africa. Generally south Africa is a travel destination for many wealthy people from other african nations, due to its developed infrastructure and top flight amenities, many elites from many other countries own property in south Africa. Because of the government inability to create jobs, deliver electricity and drinking water, now the anger and frustrations of the citizens have been turned out at those who arrived in south Africa to make some money and succeeded. Moreover it is important to understand that society today is divided into the rich and the poor, the rich, who are few, own the means of production and distribution of wealth whilst the poor, who are the majority, own nothing except their ability to work. Again, every political party is owned and controlled by the rich who contribute money to it which is used to canvass the support of the poor masses. Therefore, the government of south Africa is mainly responsible for the consequences. A large number of people have decided to attack the foreigners who owns shops, or any type of business they may have held in south Africa, citizens surrounded the city with their mission to kill every foreigner on the roads, and stating that immigrants “should take their bags and go”. South africans have developed so much hatred toward other africans carrying the belief that they don't want to compete with business run by people from other countries, as a result unemployment has played a big role regarding the current circumstances, because the majority of the people who are currently attacking foreign business are unemployed. Once again the main reasons for these internecine expulsions and violence are almost always the same in each country. “Patriotic” citizens are quick to assert, nationalistically, that the “foreigners” have come to take over their country, their resources, their jobs, their culture. 

Consequently, xenophobia is on the rise, making statements that “Africa for the africans” as a fact we all know that Africa is one Continent therefore, no african is a foreigner in Africa, and no african is a migrant in Africa , its a continent where all african belong too. The president isn't saying anything and did not do what is expected from him as the men of the power over all, if there is no security then there is no peace. Most of the foreigners are suffering and have not committed any crime, rather they came to south Africa for business, which is beneficial for the country's development and which creates open doors for the south African people as well. This is what i personally have to say in regard of the violences as i also come from east Africa, “Shame upon you south africans and your leaders how i wish Nelson Mandela was alive to see the type of south Africa that he struggled for in became, imprisoned for almost 27 years, leaving a shock ,by burning and killing foreigners.” It is disheartening to see a large number of people come to mock the victims, these attacks come comments after comments by the king of south Africa stating that foreigners must go, more than thousands of black africans immigrant have now fled back to their countries. After all self interest plays a big role than human right protection in south africa .

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