Sunday, April 19, 2015

is there such thing as whiteness?

The term whiteness and white people has become increasingly wide-spreading in contemporary research on race and ethnicity. Which focuses on whiteness as it provides a different form of racisms that offers insight into the privileges afforded to white people and how these privileges are sustained. Whiteness is not a thing but a process in which people of color are categorized based upon their skin color, culture, language and so on. Generally white people are the one who benefits from this power, and how whiteness plays a role in reproducing racial inequalities, as a result whiteness is invisible to white people, since its perceived as natural or normal, and even as something that must exist because its “truthful” or right. White people are simply tough not to recognize white privilege its completely invisible to them. Therefore, whites benefit from many of apparently neutral social arrangements and institutional operations, all of which seems to whites at least to have no racial basis, to be white then is a privilege in which white people particularly cannot “see” but most importantly find it difficult to acknowledge.

According to the Tim Wise video Something that I thought was interesting is when he mentions the idea that he is the one giving this lecture because he “fits” the role of the person who should. what he means by that is that he is a white, middle aged male. He says that he is not the one who knows the most about this topic, and that there are many black people who would be more qualified than him to give the lecture, but he was chosen because he “fits” into the profile that people give the subject. I think that this says a lot about how white privilege is understood in society because it shows that the general public is more comfortable talking about racism and white privilege with someone that is white, and not black, even if that black person was more educated on the subject. This also shows that the colour of your skin has an impact on what other people think of you. I admire Tim Wise for his honestly speaking about about white privilege.

Tim also mentions how he had the advantage of white privilege at school simply because he was white, he never had to worry about his grades, because his grades were never going to be associate with his race. But for people of colour it is a whole different challenge, knowing if they under performed in an academic environment, if they mispronounce or simply made a mistake in answering the question, they have to wonder where they have drop the ball not just for themselves but for those who look like them who is presence in that campus would always be questioned, and create negative stereotypes,Thats a white privilege because they don't have to worry about such a thing. According to his speech he explains how when white people were asked if racial discrimination were a significant national problem for those of colour and they were in denial of that unlike the minorities who have experienced first hand, who admit to that to be a significant problem. Therefore, white denials is everywhere and has never changed starting from back in the days.

for more information regarding this topic click below!

Racisms in a multicultural canada!

As Canadians, we're justifiably proud of our diverse nation, and our reputation for politeness. But good manners don't neutralize the racism and discrimination that exist in canada. Calling Canada a multicultural paradise is simply delusional, because as canadian we normally don’t like to discuss racism, we generally think americans are the one with racism problems and maybe they should talk about that. We would like to think that we are above racism, this type of false belief is what causes majority of canadian to turn away from discussions regarding racism. Yes, Canada is beautiful on the surface with all our talks of diversity but laying beneath secrets, dark and venomous, canada is worse than it is in the united stated because we all think we are doing okay. As a matter fact we are not colour-blind we are just in-denial. Racism in canada is systematic, if we think of canada as a changed country regarding racism, we firstly need to admit and talk about race rather than ignore it.

According to BBC news mayor Bowman who is Winnipeg’s first indigenous mayor, is also the first mayor to acknowledge in a speech that Winnipeg was build on the traditional homeland of the Metis nation, who are descendents of indigenous people and european settlers. He was inspired by the recent murder of aboriginal teenager Tina fontaine who was wrapped in plastic and tossed into the red river after being sexually exploited in the city of Winnipeg. He expresses that Winnipeg’s is where canada's racism problem is at its worst, majority of canadian deep hatred toward aboriginals is extremely unbelievable, aboriginals are mostly described in words such as people who are alcoholic, jobless and homeless, people who abuse themselves and others in every imaginable ways. Likewise, for african canadian.

In relation to class discussion Warmington and Lentin both argue that racialism is still active and not something of the past which we call a “post-racial”, although majority of people believe that we have finally got over the racism era. However, Lentin states that whether or not race is named, refusing the language of race does not mean avoiding acting in ways that produce racialized inequalities. regardless of the reality of today's generation, warmington described how difficult it is for our society to be capable of not being racist due to the reality of what we have a “racist society”. Lentin also states that “anti- racists need to admit the existence of “reverse racism”. As a result most researchers tend not to view race as a social fact neither do they believe race to be vital in understanding racism, this is why researchers put quotation marks on race as concepts to explain racism, instead, their main focus is on racialization, because these researchers believe that the world is currently in a post racial era, which is a false consciousness. However, post-racial positions remain premature the first counter to post-racial standpoints is brute fact: it is patently untrue that a post-racial or colour-blind situation has been achieved. Globally, race practices remain integral to social and political formations.

Let alone racism concurrency through interaction, racism is also portrayed through the media, for instance, the Tv show South Park has much more to say about race than its crudely stereotypical and even crassly juvenile depictions of the racial Other would suggest. south park compares and illustrate the reality social issues and the show itself explains a lot about today's generation. they are using cartoons to explain reality and the truths which are hidden from people, we must admit that we are a colour-blinded society. south park is commonly known for bringing the truth to most of the times sensitive issues. Additionally, even Obama gave a speech in 2008 regarding race, the post racial discourse has become prominent in the united state and in canada. If racism doesn't exist as the discourse goes then why in the world should we still talk about racism at all.

Although we claim to be “anti racist” we have a long way to go until the end, unfortunately racism will never end because of people are not pushing forward to change nothing, because its obvious that people tend to care only about themselves and ignores the rest of the groups, how can we possibly be anti-racist in what way are changes suppose to occurs? Fixing the problem of racism begins with talking about it.

for more click the links below!