Friday, April 17, 2015

A friend experience with racism!!

As a reality actuality we can never preclude the existence of racism in today's society, racism is defined when treating an individual differently in a negative way because of their colour skin, nationality or ethnic background and sometimes simply because one might not find the other person physically attractive. For example, an individual with blue eyes are more inclined to be approached with deference due to their appeal, though other people who don't fit in that specific classification may not get the same treatment. The consequences of an individual who had confronted racism can pressure him/her to experiences depression, low self esteem and, poor achievement in studies. At the point when people choose not to talk about racism it is one of the major motivation behind why prejudice still proceeds, therefore, it is very important to encourage the victimized individuals to come forward and speak out, and thusly, others could have a clear understanding of the patterns of the way the victims are generally being dealt with. People who have not experienced racism normally have difficulties understanding or even seeing it happening direct, as indicated by Dubois the best way to genuinely comprehend the circumstance is if one looked themselves through the eyes of others, than they will have a more extensive comprehension. In spite of the fact that i have never encountered any prejudice in canada, then again a good friend of mine shared his own account of racism with me. As he let me know he had experienced multiple racism in the past, however, one of the numerous stories appeared to stay in his memory in which he portrayed it to be unforgettable. He recount to me the story by expressing it was one saturday morning a bank was robbed by where he lived, as he was walking down the tore with his neighbour which was situated by the bank that was robbed. Unexpectedly the police officers approached and, stopped both of them, and made a remark about how they fitted the depiction of the bank burglars. consequently, they must be searched and questioned until they have been totally examined. He explains to me there were multiple witness inside the police cars and were attempting to identified them, in any case, they were freed after such a long battle, he explained how nervous they both were because of how the witness were repeatedly responding in a sense of saying yes that these were the individuals who had robbed the bank. Simply because they were both people of colour. Consequently, they could have been arrested for no reason.

According to a you-tuber who passes by the name of (shakaama 2014) in explaining his personal experiences with racism, he characterizes the word racism from multiple point of view, racism is going to apply for a job and they are not going to hire you simply because of the colour of your skin, racism is likewise associated when one attempts to buy a house or find an apartment as a result they will not sell you because of the color of your skin. Ultimately, racism is applied when going to a store and being refused assistance and requested that you leave the store. He explains how he never encountered any racism across overseas but was a victim of racism in the united state.

Here are some sources for more stories regarding this topic.

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