Friday, April 17, 2015

Racial profiling has destroyed public trust in police!!

Racial profiling is the practice of subjecting citizens to increased surveillance or scrutiny based on racial or ethnic factors rather than "reasonable suspicion." It is clear that, given the power and discretion available to police, the experience of being subject to racial profiling can lead both to a feeling of being harassed and to a sense of alienation from the legal system and the wider society. Over a long period of time, negative experience such as racial profiling can lead to specific ethnic groups' losing confidence in the police. Majority of black people have been treated unequal by the police, according to the story of Eric Garner and the series of other death of unarmed black men, it is clear that there are two issues that needs to be highly addressed: racial profiling and police use of excessive force. In the case of Eric, police targeted him for a crime of selling loose cigarettes, which is the types of crimes in which black people are usually targeted for at a higher rates, therefore, the police attempted to arrest him with a chokehold, however he was unable to breath due to the pressure that was put into his body, in less than a few minutes he was announced dead. Racial profiling has become one of the most dangerous act of the police, it has become normalized to profile an individual based on religion, ethnicity and national origin, rather than treating everyone as equal under the law. Hispanics and african americans are the most targeted and are more likely to be stopped and searched by police, even though they are less likely to be found committing a criminal act. The fear of driving while black has become one of the most well known tragedy in within the black community, profiling has undermined public safety and destroyed the trust between the police and the community, when law enforcement officers target residents based on race, one's skin color, rather than behaviour, crime fighting is less effective and community distrust of police is likely to increase. Police constantly single out black commuters and residents twice and sometimes three times more likely than their white neighbours. Once pulled over or stopped by the police, black residents are typically searched without warrants, fined, or arrested. In my opinion i believe police do such things to show how much authority they got, simply because there are no other explanation for killing Innocent, unarmed individuals.The current situations recalls the concept of Alexander, as she argues that the criminal equity framework, in the same way as all other open projects, is introduced as one in view of correspondence, everybody is equal in the eyes of the law. Yet, alexander exhibits how the law really attempts to target racialized individuals, and especially African-American, through many ways of operation or systems. The "war on drugs" its not a war on drugs, i firmly accept that its rather a war on blacks, it began as a war on blacks and its currently spread the hispanics, and it was intended to take the vitality that was originating from the common right developments and annihilate it. It is stunning to find that culture and one's skin color have such an effect on an association, such as the police that should be responsible, trusting and straightforward. Not at all like what is going on , police are more worst and against the actual law.

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